New shiny!

If you haven’t heard by now, Canonical has announced the Ubuntu Phone OS. First though is “neato”, second thought is “but how neato?” Canonical seems to be set on the one OS for all platforms ideology, something Microsoft so claimed and

New shiny!

If you haven’t heard by now, Canonical has announced the Ubuntu Phone OS. First though is “neato”, second thought is “but how neato?” Canonical seems to be set on the one OS for all platforms ideology, something Microsoft so claimed and


When I moved to Ubuntu I had been a long time Windows user. Like most others, to me ctrl+alt+del was the fix all that I called upon each time it seemed my computer was in crisis mode. It may be


When I moved to Ubuntu I had been a long time Windows user. Like most others, to me ctrl+alt+del was the fix all that I called upon each time it seemed my computer was in crisis mode. It may be

Steam for Linux Beta Invite!!

AAAAAHHHHH! I’m a tad excited. I received an email from steamlinuxbeta and was immediately suspect. It looks like a bogus email, and the message is arranged really awkwardly. There is no signature or official Valve branding anywhere and it links back

Steam for Linux Beta Invite!!

AAAAAHHHHH! I’m a tad excited. I received an email from steamlinuxbeta and was immediately suspect. It looks like a bogus email, and the message is arranged really awkwardly. There is no signature or official Valve branding anywhere and it links back

How to install drivers for your fancy new video card! (aka the most exciting first post imaginable)

I’m gonna get this out of the way now, I use Ubuntu. Like it, hate it or have not clue about it, them’s the breaks. Ahem, Hello friends! For today’s informational and fun NUX’d tutorial, we’re going to install proprietary

How to install drivers for your fancy new video card! (aka the most exciting first post imaginable)

I’m gonna get this out of the way now, I use Ubuntu. Like it, hate it or have not clue about it, them’s the breaks. Ahem, Hello friends! For today’s informational and fun NUX’d tutorial, we’re going to install proprietary